Grateful Golden Week

Today marks the end of this year's Golden Week. It's been jam-packed with meeting family members living far away from the city, old friends we haven't seen in years, and topping off with a dinner with newfound friends in the community. 

I'm brimmed with joy and I don't know where to start. 

I don't even know where to start since I feel that it wouldn't do justice to all the joy we've experienced in such a short amount of time. To start from the beginning would mean backtracking a copious amount of days while losing the excitement I feel for tonight.

I decided to sleep early the other night to compensate for the short sleep I've been getting this week. The shoji did little to lengthen my sleep, but in a way, it's nice to be woken up by the sun. 

I contemplate to stay a little longer in bed but seeing it was still before 7, I decide to make the most of a unique situation -no one was awake and I had time for myself. I started a load of laundry and went out for a walk. A run seemed ambitious at this point since it hasn't even been 12 hours since my last. Now, these all may seem too trivial to many, but getting to carve out time for me feels like a gift. I wander around a little more along the streets I am more familiar with at night and turn back home when my alarm sets off. 

This day alone has been packed with balancing personal and household maintenance I felt happy to be able to work on the business right before attending a social event. See? What even is that? What even this is? Most days I feel too lucky that I question if I even deserve all of this. I move through eh motions and do what I can to take care of what is given to me and hope I can give back something of value to anyone who needs it. 

It's almost tomorrow and now I must fall back into my routine. 

Beyond grateful.

 A low-key barbecue party at the garage right after a long meeting on material selection - didn't mind taking out the red crystal glasses that were handed down to me from the Saitama house. 
Things are meant to be used and shared. People and relationships are to be treasured.

Tagged along with my husband and his high-school friends - I think the last time we saw each other was months before the pandemic started. We've all changed somehow. Note that the artwork hanging over us says "I just don't know what I'm supposed to be." but what I see is a woman in her underwear lying side down.

Quick lay-out change with a surprise
Quick layout change with a surprise - my MIL and I wanted to get rid of the bulky TV console that my late FIL made many years ago. Turns out the base made for the perfect long table bench to go with the L-shaped couch.


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